Christian Ministry
More Habitat Info
All are welcome
Habitat has an open-door policy: All who desire to be a part of this work are welcome, regardless of religious preference or background. We have a policy of building with people in need regardless of race or religion. We welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds.
We are driven by the desire to give tangible expression to the love of God through the work of eliminating poverty housing. Our mission and methods are predominantly derived from a few key theological concepts:
Putting faith into action
Habitat’s ministry is based on the conviction that to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, we must love and care for one another. Our love must not be words only— it must be true love, which shows itself in action. Habitat provides an opportunity for people to put their faith and love into action. We bring diverse groups of people together to make affordable housing and better communities a reality for everyone.
The economics of Jesus
When we act in response to human need, giving what we have without seeking profit, we believe God magnifies the effects of our efforts. We refer to this perspective as “the economics of Jesus.” Together, the donated labor of construction volunteers, the support of partner organizations and the homeowners’ “sweat equity” make Habitat’s house building possible. By sharing resources with those in need, Habitat volunteers and supporters have made decent, affordable housing a reality for more than 300,000 families worldwide.
The theology of the hammer
Habitat is a partnership founded on common ground— bridging theological differences by putting love into action. Everyone can use the hammer as an instrument to manifest God’s love. Habitat’s late founder, Millard Fuller, called this concept “the theology of the hammer.” “We may disagree on all sorts of other things,” said Fuller, “but we can agree on the idea of building homes with God’s people in need, and in doing so using biblical economics: no profit and no interest.”
Habitat for Humanity welcomes all people to build with us in partnership. “The Bible teaches that God is the God of the whole crowd,” explained Fuller. “God’s love leaves nobody out, and my love should not either. This understanding drives ‘the theology of the hammer’ around the world, steadily building more and more houses in more and more countries.”
Our Tithe: Malawi
The Thousand Islands Area Habitat for Humanity tithes quarterly to the country of Malawi.
The goal of Habitat for Humanity is to eliminate poverty housing worldwide. The tithe program was created to give affiliates a way to impact Habitat´s global ministry in addition to impacting the need in their local communities. Tithing gives affiliates an opportunity to share their resources with developing countries throughout the world, and to have both a global and a local home building program. By supporting Habitat’s work outside of the U.S., your affiliate or campus chapter can make it possible to achieve a world where someday, everyone will have a good place to call home.
With the Habitat for Humanity International Tithe program, local affiliates and the State Support Organization donate a portion of our unrestricted income for the construction of Habitat homes in other countries.
Affiliates only tithe on unrestricted donations. If a donor wishes her/his contribution to remain within the affiliate’s local community, none of that donation will be used in foreign Habitat building. It is also worth noting that none of the tithe is used to support administrative or other costs of Habitat for Humanity in the United States. Rather, the tithe donations are sent in their entirety to the country or program of our choice. Therefore, when you contribute to a local Habitat for Humanity house build project, your donation is actually helping build homes for two families in need of safe, affordable housing – one local and one foreign.